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Ghulam Murtaza Alvi

Ghulam Murtaza Alvi stands as a beacon of erudition in the realm of Islamic scholarship, his dedication and expertise exemplified by his distinguished position as the Director of the Minhaj ul Quran Training Department. Endowed with an MPhil in Islamic Studies, Alvi's unwavering commitment to deepening his comprehension of the Islamic faith is unwavering. A prolific writer with over 6 insightful books enriching the discourse on Islam, Alvi's contributions are undeniable. His multifaceted expertise extends to the role of a seasoned trainer, where he imparts knowledge and wisdom to those seeking to navigate the intricate tapestry of Islamic teachings. Embark with us as we delve into the intellectual odyssey and impactful contributions of Ghulam Murtaza Alvi, a luminary in the realm of Islamic scholarship and education.

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