Fatima (S.A): The Great Daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

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Product SKU: BQ-0007

Author Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
Language English
Pages 112
Binding Card
Paper Quality ik
Weight 146 (G)
Dimensions 8.5*5.5
ISBN 969-32-0225-2

“Fatima is the leader of all the women in paradise” are the words of the Last Messenger of God, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Indeed the special place she held in her Father’s heart and the noble and courageous life that she led combined with her spiritual eminence made her one of the greatest women that have ever lived.

The Blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) paid special attention to her tarbiya (training and development) by ensuring that she accompanied him to many of his significant life events such as to his first public declaration of Prophethood in the harsh and unpredictable surroundings of Mecca; and what was one of the most historically significant events of Islam the night of Ascension, it was Fatima who had stayed with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and opened the door to Angel Gabriel the night that he (peace be upon him) ascended to the heavens and ultimately to God Almighty Himself.

This book is a collection of authentic hadith that describe Lady Fatima’s supreme spiritual status and the special place that she held with the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), as well narrations describing the special status awarded to her husband Ali (A.S) and her sons, Hasan and Hussain (A.S).

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