The Jewels of Glory [A Multifaceted Study of the Exalted Stations of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]

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Product SKU: BYE-0002

Author Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri
Language English
Pages 256
Binding Card
Dimensions 6.75*9.75
Date Publication October 31, 2023

Almighty Allah addresses humankind that He has sent His Beloved Messenger (pbuh) to them from amongst themselves. His Beloved, being a compassionate, benevolent and sympathetic human, is clement and merciful. When he finds others derailed from the Straight Path, he is restless and his heart feels grief. He wishes to pull them out from their miseries and trouble and purify them to bring them closer to the Divine reality. This door of his human existence is the door by which we are able to approach his presence and develop a personal relationship with him. That is his glory and reverence, which has proved a blessing for all those who love him more than even themselves and their own lives. They are the ones who follow him, obey his commands and observe his prohibitions to attain his proximity and nearness to Allah.

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